
Psychologists/accredited mental health social workers (AMHSW)

Mental health is not a mere absence of mental disorders. Socioeconomic, biological, and environmental factors are the three main determinants of mental health. Navigating through life challenges poses a greater threat to mental health. We will help you cope with your mental health challenges through our various counselling sessions.

changelife victoria psychologists

Trust Change Life during your tough times

We offer support services for a range of issues that can interfere with your mental health. Either adults, youths or children, we help you through our various counselling sessions.

All our support services are highly effective to cope with issues ranging from: parenting problems, relationship difficulties, anger management, panic attacks, stress management, living with chronic pains, sleeping difficulties, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, generalized anxiety and social anxiety etc.

Book an Appointment

Helps in Relationship and Parenting Difficulties.

Helps in managing anger and other anxiety issues.

Helps to reduce  Obsessive & compulsive tendencies .

Helps in  sleep disorder and mood regulations.

Helps to improve self esteem and assertive skills.

Helps with counselling for grief and loss.

We Provide Appointments Across Various Locations.

Change Life professionals are available at your comfort zone anytime, as we prefer be your most convenient solution.

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